Friday, March 2, 2012

Accessory Necessity

What can add color to any outfit, looks cute, and comes in many styles? If you guessed accessories, you’re correct! I would have to say that accessory necessity is an amazing saying!
There are many types of accessories. Some are scarves, jewelry, and hair accessories.
Scarves can be worn many ways and here are two examples. One way to wear a scarf is to fold it in half, put it around your neck, and put the side with the ends through the center of the other sides. Another way is to take you scarf, tie the ends together, put it around your neck, and then loop it around your neck one more time.
There are many different kinds of jewelry. A few are bracelets, earrings, necklaces, and rings. They come in a lot of different colors and styles, and can be worn throughout the whole year. You should wear warm, welcoming colors in fall and winter, and sharp looking, bright colors in the summer and spring.
Hair accessories are so important! The keep your hair out of your face, add color to your hair, and are so cute! You can use clips, bobby pins, head bands, and more. A helpful hint is that when you wear bobby pins, make sure they are pretty close to the color of your hair, otherwise it doesn't look as well. 
So just remember, accessory necessity! :)


  1. EmJ, this is a GREAT topic for you:)I really liked when you put ways you can where your scarf. How do you think I could where accessories because you know im not like that:) Love your blog girl!!!

    1. First of all thanks! Second, I would say that braclets (Something like friendship braclets, not fancy) would look so cute on you. And it wouldn't look like you were trying too hard to wear accessories. :)

  2. Emily, I really like your fashion tips! I think that you picked a great topic. Also I will try out some bobby pins just for you!:)

    1. Thanks! Yep one of girls' best friends is bobby pins! :)

  3. Emily,I love how at the end you tell us always remember accessory leaves us with a laast impression of what you are trying to get at!I love it!!

    1. Thanks! I love your blog makes me hungry. :)
