Saturday, April 21, 2012

Spring Dresses

Ok so ya’ll know how spring is arriving and winter is coming to an end? Well that means it’s time to talk about spring & summer dresses!
Dresses come in many different lengths. First of all you can get a short dress that usually goes a few inches above your knees, second you can get a medium length dress which it usually at or a little bit below your knees, and finally you can get a maxi dress (a long dress) that goes to your ankles or further.
Next dresses come in a lot of different patterns. Most of the dresses you find in the spring and summer are flowery, which means they have flowers on them. But there are also a lot of other common patterns such as polka dot, stripes, different animal prints, and when your little they even have dresses that have ladybugs and other bugs on them!
Then you come to the styles of the dresses. First you have your fancy dresses and your casual dresses. You want to make sure that you can tell the difference because you don’t want to end up wearing a fancy dress to a picnic because there’s a high chance it will get dirty or even ruined. Fancy dresses tend to be longer and the type you would wear to prom or a wedding. Casual dresses are dresses that you would wear on an everyday basis, to a picnic, to the park, ect.
So now that you have all of this information on dresses, I would like to know what you guys want me to talk about in my next blog! So just remember, say yes to a dress!

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